
Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

Install webmin 1.620-1 on ClearOS 6.3 via YUM

Install webmin 1.620-1 on ClearOS 6.3 via YUM

1. Add webmin repository to YUM. Open Terminal and create a new repo entry.
nano /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo
Then enter the following lines
name=Webmin Distribution Neutral

Add and install GPG key using command

rpm --import
2. Install webmin using command
yum install webmin
3. When finished, you can access your webmin page using Firefox with the following address:
Change yourserveripaddress with your actual server IP address.

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Mount Manual Harddisk / USB Flash Drive di Linux

Biasanya pengguna linux desktop akan kebingungan cara menemukan dimana letak file mereka apabila melalui console. Bagi yang belum tau cara mount flashdisk atau harddisk secara manual bisa mengikuti cara dibawah ini.
1. Lihat daftar disk yang ada di komputer anda
fdisk -l
Hasilnya akan seperti yang dibawah ini
Disk identifier: 0x00013cce
   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *        2048    87889919    43943936   83  Linux
/dev/sda2        87891966   312498175   112303105    5  Extended
/dev/sda5       302735360   312498175     4881408   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda6        87891968   302735359   107421696   8e  Linux LVM
/dev/sdb1   *          63    15647309     7823623+   b  W95 FAT32
Pada hasil diatas flashdisk berada di /dev/sdb1, bisa terlihat dari ukurannya.
2. Buat sebuah folder, terserah dimana, dalam contoh ini saya membuat di /mnt/flashdisk
mkdir /mnt/flashdisk
3. Mount menggunakan perintah dibawah ini
mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/flashdisk
4. Silahkan cek ke /mnt/flashdisk
cd /mnt/flashdisk
Semoga Bermanfaat :)

Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Installing NFS on ClearOS 6.3

This is a how to install the NFS service on a Linux CentOS 6.2 box and making it accessible to others. The scenario is the following:
  • Grant read-only access to the /home/public directory to all networks
  • Grant read/write access to the /home/common directory to all networks 
At the end of this guide you will get:
  • A running NFS server with various LAN shared directories
  • A active set of firewall rules allowing the access to NFS ports
  • A permanently mounted NFS shared on a CentOS / Ubuntu client     
I assume you already have:

  • a fresh running Linux CentOS 6.2 server 
  • a sudoer user, named bozz on this guide
  • an accessible RPM repository / mirror
  • a Linux client with CentOS / Ubuntu


  1. Login as bozz user on the server
  2. Check if rpcbind is installed:
  3. $ rpm -q rpcbind
    if not, install it:
    $ sudo yum install rpcbind
  4. Install NFS-related packages:
  5. $ sudo yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
  6. Once installed, configure the nfs, nfslock and rpcbind to run as daemons:
  7. $ sudo chkconfig --level 35 nfs on
    $ sudo chkconfig --level 35 nfslock on 
    $ sudo chkconfig --level 35 rpcbind on
    then start the rpcbind and nfs daemons:
    $ sudo service rpcbind start
    $ sudo service nfslock start 
    $ sudo service nfs start 
    NFS daemons
    • rpcbind: (portmap in older versions of Linux) the primary daemon upon which all the others rely, rpcbind manages connections for applications that use the RPC specification. By default, rpcbind listens to TCP port 111 on which an initial connection is made. This is then used to negotiate a range of TCP ports, usually above port 1024, to be used for subsequent data transfers. You need to run rpcbind on both the NFS server and client. 
    • nfs: starts the RPC processes needed to serve shared NFS file systems. The nfs daemon needs to be run on the NFS server only. 
    • nfslock: Used to allow NFS clients to lock files on the server via RPC processes. The nfslock daemon needs to be run on both the NFS server and client.

  8. Test whether NFS is running correctly with the rpcinfo command. You should get a listing of running RPC programs that must include mountd, portmapper, nfs, and nlockmgr:

  9. $ rpcinfo -p localhost
       program vers proto   port  service
        100000    4   tcp    111  portmapper
        100000    3   tcp    111  portmapper
        100000    2   tcp    111  portmapper
        100000    4   udp    111  portmapper
        100000    3   udp    111  portmapper
        100000    2   udp    111  portmapper
        100024    1   udp  40481  status
        100024    1   tcp  49796  status
        100011    1   udp    875  rquotad
        100011    2   udp    875  rquotad
        100011    1   tcp    875  rquotad
        100011    2   tcp    875  rquotad
        100003    2   tcp   2049  nfs
        100003    3   tcp   2049  nfs
        100003    4   tcp   2049  nfs
        100227    2   tcp   2049  nfs_acl
        100227    3   tcp   2049  nfs_acl
        100003    2   udp   2049  nfs
        100003    3   udp   2049  nfs
        100003    4   udp   2049  nfs
        100227    2   udp   2049  nfs_acl
        100227    3   udp   2049  nfs_acl
        100021    1   udp  32769  nlockmgr
        100021    3   udp  32769  nlockmgr
        100021    4   udp  32769  nlockmgr
        100021    1   tcp  32803  nlockmgr
        100021    3   tcp  32803  nlockmgr
        100021    4   tcp  32803  nlockmgr
        100005    1   udp    892  mountd
        100005    1   tcp    892  mountd
        100005    2   udp    892  mountd
        100005    2   tcp    892  mountd
        100005    3   udp    892  mountd
        100005    3   tcp    892  mountd

  10. The /etc/exports file is the main NFS configuration file, and it consists of two columns. The first column lists the directories you want to make available to the network. The second column has two parts. The first part lists the networks or DNS domains that can get access to the directory, and the second part lists NFS options in brackets. Edit /etc/exports and append the desired shares:
  11. $ sudo nano /etc/exports
    then append:
    /home/public *(ro,sync,all_squash)
    /home/common *(rw,sync,all_squash)
    • /home/public: directory to share  with read-only access to all networks
    • /home/common: directory to share with read/write access to all networks
    • *: allow access from all networks
    • ro: read-only access
    • rw: read/write access 
    • sync: synchronous access 
    • root_squash: prevents root users connected remotely from having root privileges and assigns them the user ID for the user nfsnobody. This effectively "squashes" the power of the remote root user to the lowest local user, preventing unauthorized alteration of files on the remote server. Alternatively, the no_root_squash option turns off root squashing. To squash every remote user, including root, use the all_squash option. To specify the user and group IDs to use with remote users from a particular host, use the anonuid and anongid options, respectively. In this case, a special user account can be created for remote NFS users to share and specify (anonuid=,anongid=), where is the user ID number and is the group ID number.

  12. Create the directories to be published with the correct permissions:
  13. $ sudo mkdir -p /home/public
    $ sudo chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /home/public
    $ sudo mkdir -p /home/common
    $ sudo chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /home/common
    it should end like this:
    $ ls -l /home/
    drwxr-xr-x. 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody  4096 Feb 20 12:55 common
    drwxr-xr-x. 7 nfsnobody nfsnobody  4096 Feb 17 14:44 public
  14. [OPTIONAL] Allow bozz user to locally write on the created directories by appending it  to nfsnobody group and granting write permissions to the group:
  15. $ sudo usermod -a -G nfsnobody bozz
    $ sudo chmod g+w /home/public
    $ sudo chmod g+w /home/common
    it should end like this:
    $ ls -l /home/
    drwxrwxr-x. 2 nfsnobody nfsnobody  4096 Feb 20 12:40 common
    drwxrwxr-x. 7 nfsnobody nfsnobody  4096 Feb 17 14:44 public
  16. Security issues. To allow remote access some firewall rules and other NFS settings must be changed. You need to open the following ports:
    • TCP/UDP 111 - RPC 4.0 portmapper
    • TCP/UDP 2049 - NFSD (nfs server)
    • Portmap static ports, Various TCP/UDP ports defined in /etc/sysconfig/nfs file.
    the portmapper assigns each NFS service to a port dynamically at service startup time, but dynamic ports cannot be protected by iptables. First, you need to configure NFS services to use fixed ports. Edit /etc/sysconfig/nfs, enter:
    $ sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/nfs
    and set:
    then restart nfs daemons:
    $ sudo service rpcbind restart
    $ sudo service nfs restart
    update iptables rules by editing /etc/sysconfig/iptables, enter:
    $ sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/iptables
    and append the following rules:
    -A INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s  -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 32803 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s  -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 32769 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s  -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 892 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s  -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 892 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s  -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 875 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s  -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 875 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s  -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 662 -j ACCEPT
    -A INPUT -s -m state --state NEW -p udp --dport 662 -j ACCEPT
    restart iptables daemon:
    $ sudo service iptables restart
  17. Mount NFS shared directories: Install client NFS packages first:
  18.   on Ubuntu client:
    $ sudo apt-get install nfs-common
    on CentOS client:
    $ sudo yum install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib
    inquiry for the list of all shared directories:
    $ showmount -e SERVERADDRESS
    mount server's /home/public on client's /public:
    $ sudo mkdir -p /public
    $ sudo mount SERVERADDRESS:/home/public /public
    $ df -h
    mount server's /home/common on client's /common:
    $ sudo mkdir -p /common
    $ sudo mount SERVERADDRESS:/home/common /common
    $ df -h
  19. Mount NFS automatically after reboot on the client. Edit /etc/fstab, enter:
  20. $ sudo nano /etc/fstab
    append the following line:
    #Directory                   Mount Point    Type   Options       Dump   FSCK
    SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:/home/public /public nfs hard 0 0
    SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:/home/common /common nfs hard 0 0
    to test the correctness of /etc/fstab before restarting, you can try to manually mount /public and /common:
    $ sudo mount /public
    $ sudo mount /common


Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Mount File ISO di linux

Kita dapat me-mount file ISO di Linux ke dalam sebuah folder hanya dengan satu baris perintah saja.

Perintah yang digunakan untuk me-mount file ISO adalah:
mkdir /mnt/nama-folder> folder tempat kita untuk mount

sudo mount -o loop nama-file.iso /mnt/nama-folder  
Jika kalian memperhatikan gambar di atas, saya melakukan mount file "codeart-1.0-i386.iso" ke dalam folder "iso-mount". Jadi, saya menggunakan perintah:
sudo mount -o loop codeart-1.0-i386.iso iso-mount  
Cukup mudah bukan? Nah, untuk me-unmount file ISO tadi, cukup ketik perintah berikut:
sudo umount nama-folder  
Karena dalam contoh ini saya menggunakan folder "iso-mount", maka perintah yang digunakan adalah:
sudo umount iso-mount  
Saya rasa perintah-perintah di atas cukup mudah untuk dilakukan, namun jika kalian lebih suka menggunakan aplikasi berbasis GUI (Graphical User Interface) alias tinggal klik langsung jalan, silakan gunakan Mounty.

Semoga bermanfaat.

FOG v0.32 on ClearOS v5.2


Not sure if anyone has posted this before but here's a quick HOWTO on getting FOG running on a ClearOS 5.2 install.
Not claiming this is 100% as I worked on it over a few days and may have forgotten something. I also suspect that some of the steps I do are actually not required but I have a running FOG server at the end of it so hopefully this will be helpful to other folks trying to do this. FOG v0.32 has a higher php requirement than the stock php on ClearOS so we have to upgrade that too here to get it all working.

Quick cheat sheet on getting FOG v0.32 running on a ClearOS 5.2 Install

Do a base OS install of ClearOS and put as much storage as you can at /images

Once you get the base install done register the box and then install the following additional software if it is not already installed and enable it.

As root run each of these commands on their own and say yes to the obvious questions.

yum update
yum install xinetd
yum install nfs
chkconfig portmap on
chkconfig nfs on
chkconfig xinetd on
service xinetd start
service portmap start
service nfs start

Note that FOG is going to install vsftpd so make sure internal FTP is turned off or better still not installed.
At some point I was able to get the builtin FTP working with FOG but that was on an older version. It would be my suggestion to run a dedicated ClearOS box for FOG and let it use the vsftpd it wants to. If you are trying to run FOG on a ClearOS box that already has FTP in use for something else then I would suggest disabling vsftpd and looking at making the "fog" user ftp login point at /images as this seems to be the key for making everything jive.

Add a local system account for fog:

useradd -r fog

Set the password for this user to "password"


passwd fog 

Download the 0.32 version of FOG.

Before you run the installer you need to make a quick change or two.

nano fog_0.32/lib/redhat/

Remove from packages=
clamav-update to simply: clamav

Then run fog installer.


All being well you can answer the question based upon your specific setup and it will complete without issue.

Fix TFTP write errors (read was OK)

chown -R fog.nobody /tftpboot
chmod -R 775 /tftpboot

If you use dnsmasq (clearos ) for DHCP then do the following:

nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf: 
nano /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp.conf

If you use some other DHCP on your network:
On a Linux DHCP server you must set:
On a Windows/Novell DHCP server you must set:
option 066 & 067
To IP of FOG Server

To fix issues with fog 0.32 and php (being unable to submit a task for FOG to process) - you need to upgrade into the 5.3.x tree.
I am using TimB's excellent repo for php upgrade (thanks as always Tim) and blantantly stealing the info from other posts here to upgrade php on this install.

        php -v
rpm --import
rpm -Kv timb-release-1-0.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh timb-release-1-0.noarch.rpm
yum --enablrepo=timb-testing upgrade php
service httpd restart
php -v

You are going to want to change the default password from "password" I am sure 
Login to the fog management interface 
http://<your server ip>/fog

Click on the Users Icon (to heads icon second on left)
Edit the "fog" user and change the password*.
* Note that you are limited to what chars you can use so keep it fairly easy but secure. Avoid special chars.

Then click on the "Storage Management" icon > All Storage Nodes > DefaultMember
Then add the same password used above to Management Password:

Click on the Other Information icon (blue question mark)
Click FOG Settings
Scroll down to: TFTP Server 
Set the same password in FOG_TFTP_FTP_PASSWORD
It's a good idea to review the settings in here for any glaringly obvious issues.

Lastly change the fog system user password (this is new for fog 0.32 I believe)
Login to the ClearOS box via SSH on on the terminal as root and run:

passwd fog
<your new password>

This should now leave you with a working FOG install on ClearOS.
Go ahead and set a node to boot from network, do a quick register, create a blank image and associate with the host you just registered then create a quick task to upload an image on that node. When the node you registered reboots it should boot into Fog and start an image upload. 

I probably missed something so if you get stuck post a message here and I'll see if I can help out. Fog can be a pain to get going but is worth it's weight in gold in larger networks and as always, if you can run it on ClearOS it's going to be stable and fast 

Hope that helps some folks out.


The FOG client service

The service that runs on a Windows client

fogIt's a modular service meaning that you can decide what parts of the service are good for you and leave the rest out.


The FOG client service should be installed as part of the image process.  Here's how it goes...
  1. Browse to http://your_fog_server_ip/fog/client/
  2. Click on the link to download the installer.
  3. Run the installer.

FOG Storage Nodes

Storage Nodes

Creating a new Storage Node for FOG

fogAs you start to create images for your workstations, you might wonder where these large image files are stored.  The answer is that they are stored on a Storage Node.  Additionally, Storage Nodes always belong to a Storage Group.  This article discusses the concept behind Storage Groups and Storage Nodes, and covers the process of creating a new Storage Node.

What is a Storage Node?

Storage Nodes are used to store images for a FOG server.  By default you have one Storage Node, inside one Storage Group.  Here are some ideas for making better use of Storage Nodes.

Improving performance

If you would like to improve the broadcast delivery speed of your FOG installation, you could create a new Storage Node, and join it to your existing Storage Group.  This new Storage Node will replicate data from your existing Storage Node, and effectively double your bandwidth when delivering images to desktops.

Increasing capacity

If you are starting to run out of storage space, you could simply build a new Storage Node and put it into a new Storage Group.

Isolating Broadcast traffic

If you have a discrete part of your School, let's say the sixth form area, that runs off of it's own network switch, you could provide a new storage node in that area, so that the imaging traffic might be confined to that area, and therefore not affect the rest of your school.  In this scenario you would create a new Storage Node, and join it to a new Storage Group.

Initial preparation

This article assumes that you already have an initial installation of FOG.  Additionally here are some initial steps...
  1. Logon to the management interface for your existing installation (eg.  http://your_fog_server/fog/management).
  2. Go to About > Fog Settings > .
  3. Make a note of the FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLUSER value (eg. fogstorage by default).
  4. Also note the FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLPASS value.

New Storage Group

You might also need to create a new Storage Group if your design requires it (seeIncreasing capacity, and Isolating broadcast traffic above)
  1. Logon to the management interface for your existing installation (eg. http://your_fog_server/fog/management).
  2. Go to Storage Management.
  3. Click Add Storage Group.
  4. Give your new Storage Group a meaningful Name and Description.
  5. Click Add.

Install Ubuntu

Build an Ubuntu Jeos server with the following specifications.  Alternatively you could just as easily build a new physical server.
  1. Create a vm with 512 MB ram, one nic, a 20GB hard drive and one processor.
  2. Hostname fognode-01.
  3. WARNING:  Do not choose fog for the username.
  4. Software Selection?  You don't need any for this install.
  5. Static IP Address of your choice (eg

Install wget

A bare bones Jeos installation of ubuntu doesn't include wget.
sudo apt-get install wget

Install FOG

Before installing FOG, browse to and check to see what the latest version is (it was 0.30 when I wrote this article, see below).  Then log in to your ubuntu server using your username and password, and enter the following commands...
cd /opt
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvzf fog_0.30.tar.gz
cd fog_0.30/
cd bin
sudo ./

Install wizard

You should now see the  FOG installer screen.
  1. Choose 2 (ubuntu).
  2. Choose S (storage).
  3. Leave the IP address as
  4. Choose No when invited to change the default NIC.
  5. Enter the IP address for your main FOG server.
  6. Enter the FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLUSER from the previous section.
  7. Enter the FOG_STORAGENODE_MYSQLPASS from the previous section.
  8. Install additional language packs if you need them, otherwise select No.
  9. Confirm Yes to the summary information.
  10. IMPORTANT:  Make a note of the Username, and Password provided.
  11. Your Storage Node is now installed!


The final step is to add your new Storage Node in the FOG Management console.
  1. Logon to the management interface (eg.  http://your_fog_server/fog/management).
  2. Go to Storage Management > Add Storage Nodes.
  3. Give your Storage Node a meaningful Name and Description.
  4. Enter its IP Address.
  5. Type a value for Max Clients (10 is recommended).
  6. Choose a Storage Group from the drop-down list.
  7. If this is the only Storage Node in the Storage Group, make it the Master Node.  Otherwise typically leave the Master Node unselected.  Be careful here!  If you make a new empty Node a Master Node, it will wipe all other Nodes in that Storage Group.
  8. Enter the Image Location and don't forget the last forward-slash (eg. /images/)
  9. Make sure your Storage Node is Enabled.
  10. Enter the Username and Password from the previous section.
Your new Storage Node can now be selected when creating new Image definitions.

FOG Configuring

Configure FOG server

Configuring your newly built FOG server

fogFOG will need some initial configuring.  This article will get you started and finish with a quick test.

DHCP services

You can configure the dhcp3 service to suit your environment.

Larger files for php

Configure php to allow larger snapin files to be uploaded by editing php.ini.
sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
memory_limit = 1900M

Save Changes
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Configure network card for multicasting

Logon to your FOG server and run the following...
sudo ifconfig eth0 multicast

The browser interface

You can now configure FOG using a web interface.
  1. Browse to
  2. Click on Install/upgrade now.
  3. Login...
Username:  fog
Password:  password

Change the password.

  1. Go to User Management.
  2. Click Modify for the fog user.
  3. Enter a new password and click Update.

Tip for wireless users

  1. Go to Other Information > FOG Settings
  2. Change FOG_SERVICE_HOSTREGISTER_ENABLED to a value of 0.
This will stop your wireless access card MAC addresses being ported into the database and thus creating 2 entries for the same workstation.

A quick test

Give your your installation a quick test with this routine.
  1. Click on the Host Management button (single monitor).
  2. Click Add a new host.
  3. Enter a hostname and MAC address of a machine on your network.
  4. Click on the Task Management button (star).
  5. Click List all hosts and click the Advanced button for the machine that you've just added.
  6. Scroll down and select Memory test and click the button to confirm.
  7. Click Active tasks to see the job that you've just created.
  8. Configure the machine in your network to boot using the NIC (PXE boot).
  9. Congratulations if your machine is now running a memory test!

FOG Server (Image Cloning)

Install FOG server

FOG is an open-source cloning/imaging solution

fogFOG is primarily used to image Windows desktops, but it also works on Linux desktops!  This article will describe how to install the FOG Server as a vm with Ubuntu Jeos.

Install Ubuntu

Build an Ubuntu Jeos server with the following specifications.
  1. Create a vm with 512 MB ram, one nic, a 20GB hard drive and one processor.
  2. Hostname image-01.
  3. WARNING:  Do not choose fog for the username.
  4. Software Selection?  You don't need any for this install.
  5. Static IP Address of your choice (eg

    Install wget

    A bare bones Jeos installation of ubuntu doesn't include wget.
    sudo apt-get install wget

    Install FOG

    Before installing FOG, browse to and check to see what the latest version is (it was 0.30 when I wrote this article, see below).  Then log in to your ubuntu server using your username and password, and enter the following commands...
    cd /opt
    sudo wget
    sudo tar -xvzf fog_0.30.tar.gz
    cd fog_0.30/
    cd bin
    sudo ./

      wget alternative

      Sometimes wget won't be allowed to get through (eg. over enthusiastic school internet filtering).  On these occasions, you might want to try using an FTP server like vsftpd, to upload the fog_0.30.tar.gz file to the fog server.

      Install wizard

      You should now see the  FOG installer screen.
      1. Choose 2 (ubuntu).
      2. Choose N (normal).
      3. Leave the IP address as
      4. Choose Yes for the router address setup and accept the default (
      5. Same for DNS.
      6. Choose No when invited to change the default NIC.
      7. Confirm Yes for dhcp service.
      8. Install additional language packs if you need them, otherwise select No.
      9. Confirm Yes to the summary information.
      10. Press Enter to acknowledge the MySQL warning (see below for the step that this refers to).
      11. Set a password for MySQL when requested.
      12. Send a notification to the FOG guys if you want to, they'll appreciate it!
      13. sudo vi /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php
        1. Enter the MYSQL_PASSWORD that you created previously in step 9.
        2. Confirm MYSQL_USERNAME is root.
      14. sudo vi /var/www/fog/commons/config.php
        1. Set MySQL password in here too.
      15. FOG is now installed!