
Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

FOG Configuring

Configure FOG server

Configuring your newly built FOG server

fogFOG will need some initial configuring.  This article will get you started and finish with a quick test.

DHCP services

You can configure the dhcp3 service to suit your environment.

Larger files for php

Configure php to allow larger snapin files to be uploaded by editing php.ini.
sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
memory_limit = 1900M

Save Changes
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Configure network card for multicasting

Logon to your FOG server and run the following...
sudo ifconfig eth0 multicast

The browser interface

You can now configure FOG using a web interface.
  1. Browse to
  2. Click on Install/upgrade now.
  3. Login...
Username:  fog
Password:  password

Change the password.

  1. Go to User Management.
  2. Click Modify for the fog user.
  3. Enter a new password and click Update.

Tip for wireless users

  1. Go to Other Information > FOG Settings
  2. Change FOG_SERVICE_HOSTREGISTER_ENABLED to a value of 0.
This will stop your wireless access card MAC addresses being ported into the database and thus creating 2 entries for the same workstation.

A quick test

Give your your installation a quick test with this routine.
  1. Click on the Host Management button (single monitor).
  2. Click Add a new host.
  3. Enter a hostname and MAC address of a machine on your network.
  4. Click on the Task Management button (star).
  5. Click List all hosts and click the Advanced button for the machine that you've just added.
  6. Scroll down and select Memory test and click the button to confirm.
  7. Click Active tasks to see the job that you've just created.
  8. Configure the machine in your network to boot using the NIC (PXE boot).
  9. Congratulations if your machine is now running a memory test!

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