
Senin, 31 Oktober 2011


from :

Another useful squid feature is delay pools. Conceptually, delay pools are bandwidth limitations – “pools” of bandwidth that drain out as people browse the Web, and fill up at a rate you specify – this can be thought of as a leaky bucket that is continually being filled.
This is useful when bandwidth charges are expensive like in indonesia.
Delay pools provide a way to limit the bandwidth of certain requests based on any list of criteria. The idea came from a Western Australian university who wanted to restrict student traffic costs (without affecting staff traffic, and still getting cache and local peering hits at full speed). To enable this, configure squid with the –enable-delay-pools option. There are 3 classes of delay pools – class 1 is a single aggregate bucket, class 2 is an aggregate bucket with an individual bucket for each host in the class C, and class 3 is an aggregate bucket, with a network bucket (for each class B) and an individual bucket for each host.

Latar Belakang

Bandwidth merupakan barang yang mahal. Untuk saat ini kisaran 64 kps dihargai sekitar 4 jt perbulan. Permasalahnnya bandwith 64 kbits itu bukan nilai yang besar. Rata-rata yang didapat pelanggan adalah 64 1:2. Artinya 1 jalur 64 kbits digunakan untuk 2 pelanggan sekaligus.
Sudah bandwidthnya dibatasi terkadang pula disisi user ada yang bertingkah seenaknya. Merasa ada koneksi internet gratis, beberapa user mulai menggunakannya untuk membuka situs-situs tertentu atau mengkoleksi file-file tertentu. Tentu saja alokasi bandwidth yang tersedia semakin menyusut. Yang merasakan adalah golongan user yang biasa-biasa saja (bukan mania internet), mereka hanya bisa mengelus dada.Untuk mengatasi hal diatas, agar setiap user mendapat bandwidth yang cukup, bisa digunakan aplikasi squid proxy server.


Sebelum mulai mengkonfigurasi delay pools, harus dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu aplikasi squid yang sudah dikompilasi dengn support delay pools. Beberapa distro besar seperti RedHat/Mandrake biasanya sudah di atur support delay pools.
Bila tidak dapat dikompilasi sendiri sebagai berikut
# ./configure --enable-delay-pools
# make
# make install


File konfigurasi squid adalah squid.conf
ada beberapa tag konfigurasi untuk delay pools di squid.conf.
  1. delay_pools
    menyatakan berapa banyak bagian/pool yang akan dibuat
    misal delay_pools 2
  2. delay_class
    menentukan klas/tipe pembagian bandwith dari setiap pool. 1 pool hanya boleh memiliki 1 clas, tidak lebih atau kurang.
    bagian merupakan nomer urut dari jumlah pool didelay pool, jadi ada 1 s/d n bagian dimana n merupakan angka jumlah pada delay_pools
    tipe merupakan tipe class delay yang dipakai.
    Secara umum tipe menyatakan bagaimana cara membagi bandwidth, ada 3 tipe:
tipe/class keterangan
1 semua bandwidth yang ada akan dibagi sama rata untuk semua user squidex ada bandwidth 128 dan semua bandwith dipakai untuk browsing
2 membatasi pemakaian bandwith dari total bandwidth yang ada, dan bandwith yang diperuntukan squid akan dibagi semua user dengan sama rata.ex ada bandwidth 128 dimana 28 kbit dipakai untuk email dan sisanya (128-28) 100 kbit dipakai untuk browsing
3 membatasi pemakaian bandwidth dari total bandwidth yang ada, setiap network class C akan mendapat bandwidth sama besar, setiap user pernetwork akan mendapat bandwidth yang sama besar dari total bandwidth per networkex: bandwidth tersedia 512 kb, untuk browsing disediakan bandwidth 384 kb, sisanya untuk aktifitas lain.
Di jaringan tersebut ada 3 departement dengan network yang berbeda misal lab (, manajer(, sales(
nah misah oleh admin di set bahwa pernetwork mendapat jatah 128 kb/s.
maka user� di sales akan mendapat pembagian bandwidth sama besar dari total 128 kb/s.
maka user� di lab akan mendapat pembagian bandwidth sama besar dari total 128 kb/s.
maka user� di manajer akan mendapat pembagian bandwidth sama besar dari total 128 kb/s.
delay_class 1 2    # pool 1 memakai clas tipe 2
delay_class 2 3    # pool 2 memakai clas tipe 3

  • delay_access
    Memberi batasan siapa saja yang boleh mempergunakan delay pools ini.
    Penting untuk diingat sebaiknya setelah menetukan batasan jangan lupa di akhiri dengan deny all.
    delay_access 1 allow manajer
    delay_access 1 deny all
    delay_access 2 allow sales
    delay_access 2 deny all

  • delay_parameters
    Ini adalah bagian terpenting dari delay pools memberikan aturan main setiap delay pools yang dibentuk.
    delay parameter mempunyai format yang disesuaikan dengan tipe/class yang dipakai.
    Tapi disetiap tipe yang dipakai ada 1 format baku yaitu restore/max.restore menunjukkan maksimum kecepatan data yang dapat dilewatkan bila harga max sudah terlampaui, dalam satuan bytes/second max menunjukkan besar-nya file atau bucket yang dapat dilewatkan tanpa melalui proses delay. dalam satuan bytes.
    Yang perlu diperhatikan dari satuan diatas adalah harga restore dimana kita sering menerima/menyewa/membeli bandwidth dari provider dalam satuan bits/second bukan bytes/second. Sedangkan satuan kecepatan yang ditunjukkan oleh Microsoft pada saat mendonlot file adalah bytes/sec.
    Sedangkan satuan dari harga max sudah sesuai dengan kebiasaan sehari-hari, dimana kita memberi besaran bytes pada file-file.
    1 byte = 8 bit.
    SpesialCase: -1/-1 berarti unlimited atau tidak dibatasi pada nilai restore/max
    ex: 1000/64000 harga restore sama dengan 8000 bits/sec atau 8 kbits/sec.
    Yang artinya user akan mendapat donlot brustable selama file yang akan dibuka lebih kecil dari 64 kbytes, jadi kecepatan bisa diatas 8 kbit/sec.
    Bila ternyata file yang dibuka melebihi 64 bytes, maka proses limitasi akan segera dimulai dengan membatasi kecepatan maksimal 8 kbits/s.
    class 1
    delay_parameters <#pool individual> ex: delay_parameters 1 1000/64000 Berarti semua network akan mendapat bandwidth yang sama di pool no 1. Sebesar 1 kbytes/sec (8 kbits/sec), dengan burstable file 64 kb.
    class 2
    delay_parameters <#pool agregate individual> ex: delay_parameters 1 32000/32000 1000/64000 Berarti squid akan memakai bandwidth maksimum (32000*8) 256kbits dari semua bandwidth. Bila terdapat lebih dari 1 network class C, maka total yang dihabiskan tetap 256 kbit/sec dan tiap user akan mendapat bandwidth maksimum 1 kbytes/sec (8 kbits/sec), dengan burstable file 64 kb.
    class 3
    delay_parameters <#pool agregate network individual> ex: delay_parameters 1 32000/32000 8000/8000 1000/64000 Berarti squid akan memakai bandwidth maksimum (32000*8) 256kbits dari semua bandwidth. Bila terdapat lebih dari 1 network class C, maka setiap network akan dipaksa maksimum sebesar (8000*8) 64 kbits/sec dan tiap user pada satu network akan mendapat bandwidth maksimum 1 kbytes/sec (8 kbits/sec), dengan burstable file 64 kb.

  • Contoh 1

    dalam 1 network dengan penggunaan bandwidth total tidak dibatasi terdapat beberapa komputer dengan klasifikasi sebagai berikut
    • admin, server dengan bandwidth unlimited
    • staff dengan bandwidth 1,5 kbytes/sec, bila file yang diakses melebihi 64Kbte
    • umum dengan bandwidth 1 kbytes/sec, bila file yang diakses melebihi 32 Kbyte
    acl all src
    acl admin src
    acl server src
    acl umum src
    acl staff src
    delay_pools 3
    delay_class 1 1
    delay_parameters 1 -1/-1
    delay_access 1 allow admin
    delay_access 1 allow server
    delay_access 1 deny all
    delay_class  2 1
    delay_parameters 2 1500/64000
    delay_access 2 allow staf
    delay_access 2 deny all
    delay_class  3 1
    delay_parameters 3 1000/32000
    delay_access 3 allow umum
    delay_access 3 deny all
    Cara mencobanya paling mudah adalah dengan menggunakan donlot manajer semacam DAP, GetRight maka akan terlihat bandwidth sudah dibatasi.

    Contoh 2

    Delay pools juga dapat digunakan untuk membatasi donlot file untuk extensi tertentu.
    Gunakan ACL url_regex untuk mengatasi hal ini.
    Contoh dibawah digunakan untuk membatasi donlot file multimedia hingga 1 kByte/sec.
    acl multimedia url_regex -i \.mp3$ \.rm$ \.mpg$ \.mpeg$ \.avi$ \.dat$
    delay_pools 1
    delay_class 1 1
    delay_parameters 1 1000/16000
    delay_access 1 allow multimedia
    delay_access 1 deny ALL

    Contoh 3 dari

    bagaimana caranya membuat delay pools untuk membatasi download di siang hari untuk 15 klient sedangkan malam harinya lost asumsi jamnya ( 10:00 – 21:00)
    acl LTIME time SMTWHFA 10:00-21:00
    acl download url_regex -i ftp \.exe$ \.mp3$ \.mp4$ \.tar.gz$ \.gz$ \.tar.bz2$ \.rpm$ \.zip$ \.rar$
    acl download url_regex -i \.avi$ \.mpg$ \.mpeg$ \.rm$ \.iso$ \.wav$ \.mov$ \.dat$ \.mpe$ \.mid$
    acl download url_regex -i \.midi$ \.rmi$ \.wma$ \.wmv$ \.ogg$ \.ogm$ \.m1v$ \.mp2$ \.mpa$ \.wax$
    acl download url_regex -i \.m3u$ \.asx$ \.wpl$ \.wmx$ \.dvr-ms$ \.snd$ \.au$ \.aif$ \.asf$ \.m2v$
    acl download url_regex -i \.m2p$ \.ts$ \.tp$ \.trp$ \.div$ \.divx$ \.mod$ \.vob$ \.aob$ \.dts$
    acl download url_regex -i \.ac3$ \.cda$ \.vro$ \.deb$
    delay_pools 1
    delay_class 1 1
    delay_parameters 1 3000/3000
    delay_access 1 allow download TIME
    delay_access 1 deny all

    Contoh 4

    Bagaimana caranya membuat delay pools untuk membatasi download di siang hari dengan speed … dan malam hari dengan speed …, abis si bozz malem-nya mau pakai buat dolot.
    Jadi pengennya pas malam bw buat user makin kecil, bukan malah di loss
    acl JAM_KANTOR time SMTWHFA 07:00-18:00
    delay_pools 2 delay_class 1 2
    delay_parameters 1 24000/32000 -1/-1
    delay_access 1 allow riset JAM_KANTOR
    delay_access 1 deny all
    delay_class 1 2
    delay_parameters 2 8000/8000 -1/-1
    delay_access 2 allow riset !JAM_KANTOR
    delay_access 2 deny all

    Contoh 5

    wangsit yang semedi dengan pecelpenyu.
    Saya ada bandwidth besar, 1mbps.
    Ingin membatasi yang donlot file besar di atas 5mbyte, di beri speed 32kbps.
    Misal bila ada 3 user yang donlot, tiap-tiap user akan mendapat bw maximal 32kbps.
    acl user src
    delay_pools 1
    delay_class 1 2
    delay_parameters 1 40000/10000000 4000/5000000
    delay_access 1 allow user download
    delay_access 1 deny ALL

    Contoh 6 limit youtube

    untuk memaksa caching terhadap youtube ( sesuai )
    acl youtube dstdomain -i
    acl striming url_regex -i get_video\?video_id videodownload\?
    cache allow youtube
    cache allow striming
    dan harap di ingat untuk posisi tsb di atas sebaiknya diletakkan sebelum hierarchy_stoplist
    kemudian bisa di gabung ke delay_pool juga
    delay_class 2 3
    delay_access 2 allow warnet striming
    delay_access 2 deny all
    delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 -1/-1 3000/200000
    hasilnya :
    Connection: 0x7f1da510
    FD 149, read 555, wrote 6508975
    FD desc:
    in: buf 0x7fe65000, offset 0, size 4096
    nrequests: 1
    defer: n 0, until 0
    log_type TCP_MISS
    out.offset 6508872, out.size 6508975
    req_sz 555
    entry 0x7d24e240/599CDB16D8D8DCB1395E960CD807BD8B
    old_entry 0x0/N/A
    start 1193286572.113589 (2131.525289 seconds ago)
    username -
    delay_pool 2 <= terkena delay
    untuk delay_pool saya tidak menggunakan domain, karena ternyata untuk url streaming nya sebagian hanya menggunakan ip address biasa, sehingga menggunakan regex spt di atas saya rasa lebih efektif.
    silakan di eksperimen sendiri untuk regex nya, bisa dg menganalisa access.log atau kalau yg gampang menggunakan sqstat spt yg pernah di post di thread sebelah.

    Pembatasan badwith dengan Squid

    1. Edit file /etc/squid/squid.conf, caranya :
    vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
    2. Pada squid.conf anda harus mengatur acl apa yang ingin diatur kecepatan bandwidthnya, contoh pengaturannya :
    acl lan src
    acl file urlpath_regex -i "/etc/squid/file.txt"
    acl streaming dstdomain "/etc/squid/stream.txt"
    acl special_ip src "/etc/squid/ip.txt"

    http_access allow lan
    http_access deny all
    acl lan adalah jaringan yang diperbolehkan mengakses internet di jaringan anda. Kemudian acl file berisi file-file yang bila didownload akan dibatasi kecepatannya. Kemudian acl stream adalah domain tujuan yang apabila diakses akan dibatasi kecepatannya. Sedangkan acl special_ip adalah IP address yang bila mengakses internet akan memiliki kecepatan yang tinggi walaupun membuka website atau mendownload file-file di acl stream dan file.
    3. Setelah mengatur acl maka anda harus mengatur untuk delay pools-nya untuk membatasi bandwidth acl-acl di atas. Masih di dalam /etc/squid/squid.conf, anda tambahkan :
    delay_pools 2

    # Adalah jumlah delay pool yang anda atur.
    delay_class 1 2

    # Untuk delay pools 1 memiliki class 2
    delay_class 2 2

    # Untuk delay pools 2 memiliki class 2
    # Dimana aturannya : delay_class [pool] [class]
    # Ada 3 macam class delay pool:
    # Class 1 : Dilakukan pembatasan bandwidth untuk semua komputer di jaringan
    # sehingga akan saling berbagi bandwidth.
    # Class 2 : Dilakukan pembatasan bandwidth untuk semua komputer di jaringan
    # dan pembagian bandwidth per client.
    # Class 3 : Dilakukan pembatasan bandiwdth untuk semua komputer di jaringan,
    # per jaringan dan per client
    delay_parameters 1 8000/100000 1000/1000
    delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 20000/20000

    # delay_paramater digunakan untuk menentukan besar bandwidth tiap pool.
    # Dimana formatnya :
    # Class 1 : delay_parameter [pool] [agregate]
    # Class 2 : delay_parameter [pool] [agregate] [individual]
    # Class 3 : delay_parameter [pool] [agregate] [network] [individual]
    # agregate = pembatasan bandwidth untuk semua komputer
    # individual = pembatasan bandwidth untuk setiap komputer
    # network = pembatasan bandwidth untuk setiap jaringan
    # Format pembatasan bandwidth :
    # 8000/10000 = speed/max
    # speed = kecepatan rata-rata download yang dibentuk
    # max = besar data maksimal yang bisa didownload secara normal, setelah
    # melebihi maka akan menggunakan "speed".
    # Satuan yang digunakan adalah Bytes(B/s) bukan bit(bps)
    # bila 8000 = 8 KB/s berarti 64 kbps, kalikan 8
    # "-1" berarti unlimited
    delay_access 1 allow file !special_ip
    delay_access 1 allow streaming !special_ip
    delay_access 1 deny all
    delay_access 2 allow !file !streaming
    delay_access 2 deny all

    # delay_access mengkonfigurasikan acl dengan delay pools yang
    # ada. Format penulisannya :
    # delay_access [pools] [allow/deny] [acl1] [acl2] ... [acln]
    # bila acl menggunakan "!" maka nilainya adalah kebalikan dari
    # acl tersebut
    4. Setelah mengatur delay pools anda save file /etc/squid/squid.conf kemudian anda buat file-file konfigurasi dari acl-acl yang digunakan. Caranya :
    vim /etc/squid/file.txt

    Isi dengan :
    vim /etc/squid/stream.txt

    Isi dengan :
    vim /etc/squid/ip.txt

    Isi dengan :
    5. Setelah itu anda restart squid anda, dengan cara :
    /etc/init.d/squid restart
    6. Sekarang seharusnya client anda akan terbatasi bandwidth-nya dimana apabila membuka situs biasa alam dibatasi 20 KB/s sedangkan apabila download mp3, avi atau exe atau membuka situs streaming video akan dibatasi hanya 1 KB/s. Kecuali komputer yang menggunakan IP dari

    Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

    Running Samba 3.0.23c Under Windows

    from :

    Using this makefile, and this patch, I successfully compiled Samba under Windows.
    Here are the steps to run Samba 3.0.23c under Windows XP Pro SP2. This should also work (but I haven't tested) for any version of Windows, including Windows XP Home, 2000, or 2003:
    Samba 3.0.23 on Windows
    Ross Smith
    Please note in order to get Samba to compile under Cygwin, I had
    to remove a build check that reports:
    ERROR: No locking available. Running Samba would be unsafe
    So please do not assume Samba will actually work under Windows.
    Assume it won't.
    Instructions to remove Samba are at the end of this file.
    To install Samba 3.0.23 in Windows, perform the following steps:
    1. Download
    2. Unzip to "C:\Progra~1". For example:
       unzip -o -d "C:\Progra~1"
    3. Add the following to your system path:
    4. Open a Command Prompt window:
       Start / Run / CMD [Enter]
    5. Change to the samba directory:
       cd /d C:\Progra~1\samba
    6. If Cygwin is installed, skip to step 7. Otherwise, run:
       Go to step 9.
    7. If c:\cygwin\bin is in your path, you will need to delete the
       Cygwin dll files in C:\Progra~1\samba\bin, by typing:
       del bin\cyg*.dll
    8  Run cygsetup.cmd:
    9. Reboot computer:
       shutdown -r -t 0 -c "Let's samba!"
       After rebooting...
    10. Open a Command Prompt window:
        Start / Run / CMD [Enter]
    11. Run daemons:
        cd /d C:\Progra~1\samba
    12. Test Samba locally:
        smbclient -L localhost -U guest%password
        You should see: 
    Domain=[hostname] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.23]
            Sharename       Type      Comment
            ---------       ----      -------
            tmp             Disk      /cygdrive/c/windows/temp
            IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba Server)
            Guest           Disk      Home Directories
    Domain=[hostname] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.23]
            Server               Comment
            ---------            -------
            Workgroup            Master
            ---------            -------
    13. Test Samba from another Windows computer:
        net use * \\\tmp /user:guest password
        Substitute your hostname or ip address for
        You should see:
    Drive Z: is now connected to \\\tmp.
    14. Change the default passwords:
        smbpasswd guest
        smbpasswd administrator
    15. If you add or remove users, you should run the mkpasswds.cmd command:
        cd /d C:\Progra~1\samba
    To remove Samba, do the following:
    1. Kill the smbd and nmbd processes (by rebooting if you want)
    2. Remove the following from your system PATH:
    3. Open a Command Prompt window:
       Start / Run / CMD [Enter]
    4. Change to the samba directory:
       cd /d C:\Progra~1\samba
    5. Run the following:
       regedit /s enablenetbios.reg
       cd ..
       rmdir /s /q samba
       shutdown -r -t 0 -c "No more samba :("

    Comment viewing options

    Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.

    How to allow user delete the file

    Hi all,
    I got it running on Windows XP SP3, everything run smoothly except the user can not delete his/her own files. In windows XP security folder permission, I did allowed user have full permission but he/she able to create/edit/save BUT CAN NOT DELETE FILE. How can I make that work? Here is sample of my configuration:
    [SHARE Scanner]
    comment = SHARE Scanner
    path = /cygdrive/c/docume~1/admini~1/desktop/SHAREs~1
    public = no
    valid users = Mike
    Writable = yes
    ; readonly = no
    create mask = 0777
    ; only guest = yes
    guest only = yes

    Domain controler

    I have modified de smb.conf file to work as domain controler I restarted the pc, and when I try the installation I revice
    C:\PROGRA~1\samba>smbclient -L localhost -U guest%password
    session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
    Any idea? THANKS !!!


    as the title says it work with xp sp3, but i have few problems , maybe am missing few things , which is some commands doesnt work at all, like restarting the samba or any service on it ..
    adding users, few status command, etc ... will am having alot of hard time figuring those out , would anyone tell me whats the problem
    some users who had problems with 10 clients limitations ..
    heres the solution .. for SP3 , and it will work on SP2
    works like GOLD :P
    please someone help me with my stupid problem !


    as the title says it work with xp sp3, but i have few problems , maybe am missing few things , which is some commands doesnt work at all, like restarting the samba or any service on it ..
    adding users ... will am having alot of hard time figuring these out , would anyone tell me whats the problem

    Mapping from a Windows ME terminal

    Well, I managed to complete everything in this tutorial: setup a SAMBA at 1 winXP PC, with a custom folder shared. Meanwhile all 31 winXP terminals in office already mapped successfully.
    leaving 1 last PC which is running Windows ME...
    The mapping command with /user:xxxxxxxx is not supported. A message prompt indicated that: The option "USER:xxxxx" is unknown. Make sure you are specifying a valid option, and then try again."
    Any clue?

    Try the NET LOGON command mentions the
    net logon
    command, so try this:
    net logon user password
    net use Z: \\host\share

    hi newbee here, is there a

    hi newbee here, is there a way to set samba without user:password? thanks ross

    deleting .dll files

    I thought I deleted all cyg*.dll files from the samba folder (since I already have cygwin) and when I search for them nothing comes up--but then in /samba/sbin when I ls all the files, I see cygcrypt-0.dll and cygwin1.dll (even though they're invisible when I open that folder manually). So I tried deleting those files and it says
    rm: cannot remove `cygcrypt-0.dll': Permission denied
    rm: cannot remove `cygwin1.dll': Permission denied
    Also when I try to do
    $ smbclient -L localhost -U guest%password
    I get:
    bash: smbclient: command not found
    ...but maybe this has something to do with the presence of those .dll files?
    Thanks for the help!

    hmm OK sorry you can ignore

    hmm OK sorry you can ignore that last post.

    Running Samba 3.0.23c Under Windows

    I was just wandering does this work now as a fully functioning samba system.
    I download the files and installed as per your instruction above. Everyting worked
    as stated with no problems. I installed it on a Windows 2003 Standard Server
    with AD. Is there a way to configure more shares and users with this version?

    File and Print Client...

    Perhaps I am slow, but it took me a while to figure out that you have to also disable the microsoft client. This makes accessing shares via the direct \\device impossible. After playing with it quite some time I was unable to find a work around. I believe I see the reason for it. I think the client and server both keep those 139/445 ports open. So I understand that you have to totally kill the workstation service as well. Is it perhaps possible to move the workstation service or samba service to a different port so that the two can co-exist.

    Problem with Network Drives

    Hi. Newbee here. I went through these directions word for word worked perfectly. But it clobbered my mapped drives. In fact I can't browse to any network shares in Windows. I've followed the remove samba procedure, but even after restart, my mapped drives are no more ! please help! Do I have to uninstall and reinstall Windows...(again?)

    where are Administrator and guest accounts defined?

    I would like to create extra users e.g. johnsmith to go to the /samba/etc/passwd and group files but when I do that and try to use smbpasswd to set the password I get error message. Can you tell me how come Administrator and guest don't give me the error message and is there a way I can create a new user using your samba setup that i can set the password with smbpasswd?
    If I can't do that, can someone give me point point guide on how to do it with cygwin so it links to samba
    any help is greatly appreciated

    samba as domain controller

    Has anyone tried to run this samba version as domain controller? It would be nice alternative for small companies and has benefit to not pay for the linux guys extra... you can find many peaople who can handle windows, put few who are home in linux. Next step wold be little gui :)
    But keep up the good work.. :) I really like to use alternatives.

    about samba performance

    to start with this comment, i fully understand that this is not officially supported and simply a method to prove that it can work with Cygwin under windows and not meant for production use.
    Firstly i have done some real world tests on a server with RAID-5 array and it seems like with samba conf optimizations, the 'emulated' samba cannot really perform and file copy to windows/mac clients are very slow.
    On a 100mbit network, default windows share on this server could achieve 8-9mbyte/s in realtime across a mac or windows machine.
    Samba/cygwin can achieve 2-2.5mbytes/sec at best meaning around 20-30mbps.
    Is there anyway to give more 'raw power' or to tweak samba settings to make it fully utilize memory or cache to speed up the file copy speed?
    by the way can i engage you as a consultant for this particular issue as you have proved that this solution is viable and i'm really interested in this.


    My guess is that one could approach native Windows performance, by hacking the samba code to use native Windows API calls, instead of the emulated *nix functions.
    Also, you could do the same with the missing "locking" code, so this could be used in a production environment.
    I'm happy to help if I can, but I can't take on any new clients at this time, but thank you for the request. Perhaps in the future.

    Change Drive/Folder

    > Bah, nevermind. Just after I posted this I found a config file (C:\Program Files\samba\lib\smb.conf)
    Does any one know how to change the default tmp folder to point to another drive or folder ?
    Change this:
    tmp Disk /cygdrive/c/windows/temp
    to say this:
    tmp Disk /cygdrive/d/
    I've tried to look for a configuration file but can't find one.

    File permissions

    Samba works great on a Windows XP SP2 - I got 10-15 Windows clients each of which has at least two network drives connected. Performance seems to be the same as with Windows' proprietary services - Plus it is possible to have more than ten clients (which is the hard-wired maximum of XP)!
    However I got a small but nasty problem, that might be linked to the way file permissions are set by smbd.exe:
    Some Windows progs cannot save files on the network drives (E.g.: Word throws an error, claiming that too many files are open...)
    I suspect that the cause for this might be, that smbd creates files with "read" and "write" permissions but not with the permission "change" etc. Also files are created with the group rights of "Nobody". Even if add the group "Everybody" with all the rights to be inherited from a folder above, the newly created files do not have all the permissions for "Everybody".
    Does anyone have a solution for this? I tried changing the group id of some of the users in samba\etc\passwd, but files are still created as "Nobody". Adding "force create mask = 0777" to samba\lib\smb.conf did not do anything either.
    Could the workflow I am using to create samba users be wrong?:
    First I add a windows user, then I call samba\mkpasswds.cmd, afterwards I manually add the new user to samba\private\smbpasswd by copying and changing one of the above lines (this is not done automatically on my machine), and finally I use smbpasswd to set the users password.


    Well, I just wanted to inform everybody that this is not urgent for me any more...
    I "solved" the problem by installing a virtual machine with linux in it :-)
    Still - If anyone has a solution, that would be interesting!

    this seemed like just what I needed

    Hi I was to say atleast very happy when I got a hit on this when searching for something to allow a non domainserver to easy share with user:password ability under windows in a nice way.. I'm pretty used with samba running it under linux so this was great I thought..
    sad thing is I have tried and tried to get this to work unt il I started to realease that U also had hardcoded the path in binaries to C:\progra~1\ ... and so on.
    this cause a big problem for non english windows..
    I'm using a swedish windows XP and default program path is C:\program\
    which makes it impossible to go around even thou I make a path like C:\program(something)
    I guess it hits the swedish default path first and goes along with that.. Which to me make no reason bcs that should work fine.. shouldnt it ?
    also wanna add that I done evevrything by the book here after ur example.
    or am I missing something here ?
    I'm not a windows expert so I could be considered a noob here :P
    so I desperatly hoping for some smart answers here :)
    might aswell add some error output to make it easier..
    C:\Program\samba\bin>smbclient -L
    params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "C:/PROGRA~1/samba/l
    No such file or directory
    Load smb config files from C:/PROGRA~1/samba/lib/smb.conf
    params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "C:/PROGRA~1/samba/l
    No such file or directory
    map_file: Failed to load C:/PROGRA~1/samba/lib/valid.dat - No such file or direc
    creating default valid table
    Error loading services.
    I also noticed that 1 of the reason might be that the service dont even start when running start_daemons.cmd.. have also tried to add the path by running path command with C:\progra~1\samba\lib without any luck

    I *had* to hard code something

    as Samba requires it. Perhaps you can change the short file name of your %ProgramFiles% by using SetSFN. Please let me know if that works for you or not.

    I have tried the SETSFN

    I have tried the SETSFN command and I get acccess denied when trying to change it, also it reports the current SFN of %programfiles% as program (pointing to C:\program)
    I tried this as the "root" administrator account.
    Any ideas ? I really wanna get this to work :P

    Why don't you just create a directory named c:\Progra~1

    mkdir c:\Progra~1
    Then unzip into this folder, so you end up with a directory named:

    I did got it to work better

    I did got it to work better but I dont get the smbd proc to run and getting the same problem as below and nothing is listening on the ports..
    I tried reinstall it several tiems just dont get it to work.. no firewall all service thinkable that could be needed is running

    Didn't find any thing on

    Didn't find any thing on port 445 and 139!
    and yes, i have Norton Firewall! What do I do?

    Problem Testing

    Ross, I'm getting an error when I try to test the SAMBA localy! This is what I get:
    C:\Program Files\samba>smbclient -L localhost -U guest%password
    timeout connecting to
    timeout connecting to
    Error connecting to (Operation now in progress)
    Connection to localhost failed
    The installation worked fine! Do you know how to fix it?

    question, please help

    Dear Thiago,
    I like to ask you if could you fix that problem what you mention in 12/18/2006 - 08:53 at this page:
    I get the same message :
    Microsoft Windows XP [verziószám: 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
    C:\Program Files\samba>start_daemons.cmd
    C:\Program Files\samba>"C:\Program Files\samba\sbin\nmbd.exe" --daemon
    C:\Program Files\samba>"C:\Program Files\samba\sbin\smbd.exe" --daemon
    C:\Program Files\samba>smbclient -L localhost -U guest%password
    timeout connecting to
    timeout connecting to
    Error connecting to (Operation now in progress)
    Connection to localhost failed
    So, can you help me?
    Thank you. Laci

    Try netstat

    Type this:
    netstat -an
    and see if anything is listening locally on ports 445 and 139.
    If not, then the installation was not successful.
    Do you have any sort of firewall running?

    Tune up!?

    Everything works fine. Thank you very much for this port. Now I have some questions. :)
    1. Is it possible somehow to access and use other windows pc’s shares and map them as network drives on the box with windows+samba?
    2. Is it possible to “clean up” non-BartPE installation?
    2.1 I’m talking about z_samba .html, .ini and .xml files in the root, .bat and .reg files in the files directory. I found no use of these files during installation. Do I need these files for samba to operate or can I safely delete them?
    2.2. Is it necessary to map all those z: and y: drives to samba directories?
    3. Is where any way to stop/restart nmbd and smbd beside killing them with Task Manager? This will be nice for smb.conf troubleshooting.
    4. Is it possible without loosing functionality to serviceze smbd and nmbd with srvany or serviceex?
    Thank you!


    1. Good question. Never tried. Did you try to use the "net use" command?
    2.1 You can safely delete.
    2.2. For this port, yes. Those drives are hard coded in the samba binaries, as I couldn't figure out how to specify relative directories.
    3. You could try using Cygwin's kill command to send a signal to those processes. See the Samba documentation for details.
    4. Yes, I'm sure that's possible, but I would try Cygwin's cygrunsrv first, as it works well with other ported *nix daemon's, such as cron, exim, inet-d, rsync, ssh, etc.
    Good luck, and please report back on your progress.

    Report 2

    2.2. One more argument for hard coding not only the only one path, but options (--configfile=./smb.conf --log-basename=./logs --hosts=./lmhosts) too, until relative directories will work. I see no need to change them..But now it’s important for servicezing, see 4.
    4. I’ve tried srvany, serviceex and cygrunsrv with no luck, even specifying application work directories differed from application location.. In all cases reported problem about paths. I think it’s all about options string for daemons.
    Ross, can you recompile apps with hard coded single path "%SystemDrive%\Progra~1\samba\" and options “--configfile=./smb.conf --log-basename=./logs --hosts=./lmhosts” or something like this?

    Report 1

    After some tests...
    2.2 Yep, it better to hardcode the one and only, not substituted drive. Services won't start automatically at boot, because substitutions are made after services start. And nmbd and smbd should be started in Y:\samba because of configs, and smbd and nmbd are in Z:\samba. Not sure by now, but it could be a problem for service to start.
    5. As for this list:
    cygcrypt-0 .dll
    cygiconv-2 .dll
    cyglber-2-2-7 .dll
    cygldap-2-2-7 .dll
    cygminires .dll
    cygncurses-8 .dll
    cygreadline6 .dll
    cygsasl2-2 .dll
    cygssl-0.9.7 .dll
    cygwin1 .dll
    It seems that it isn't full. With this files only nmbd starts, but smbd not. So it's possible, but need improvements.


    1. Yep, I've tried "net use" with "System error 67 has occurred. The network name cannot be found" output. Itâ's normal, all the netbios services disabled. So the question now is:
    1.2 Maybe some of the services could be left running? Or...
    1.3 I thought about some kind of win32 app, that can access smb shares by itself, not using the system services. Maybe a combination of "cmd+Microsoft network client for DOS+FAR manager" will do the job. Any other suggestions?
    2.2 Is it possible to hardcode all the paths for one drive and installation directory, let's say "c:\samba" or even better "%SystemDrive%\Progra~1\samba\"?
    3 and 4. By now I don't plan to use other nix stuff on that pc, so I don't want to use full cygwin at all, nor to control daemons or serviceze samba. If the srvany or serviceex will work fine, the service stop/start/restart won't be a problem: "net stop|start smbdsrv|nmbdsrv". I'll try this.
    5. And there is one more test ahead: cygwin minimization down to your list posted above. Any successful reports?
    Thank you!

    Tested and works for me under XP SP2

    Re your post:
    1: I couldn't get net use to work either. If you figure out how, please let me know.
    1.2: I could start up the Workstation and Server services, but net use still didn't work.
    1.3: That's certainly a possibility. I'm not sure why you want to do this though. Can't you just run subst to achieve the same effect?
    2.2: Done.
    3 and 4: Again, certainly doable.
    5: The zip file contains the required Cygwin files, so you don't need to have Cygwin installed, as before.
    Good luck!

    Help please

    Hello, I would be very grateful if you could assist me, i am currently trying to impliment samba on windows for a university project however everything seems to fail currently i have the following questions:
    1- Is wget needed to get the z-samba file? i have just downloaded it straight from the net using basic right-click save method. Would downloading it using wget make a difference?
    2- I have downloaded the full Cygwin package by selecting the 'install' option with regards to all the different cygwin packages in the installation menu, is that all thats needed? a previous poster mentioned that i needed opendlap-2-2-7, isnt that automatically installed if i installed the full cygwin package? if not how do i activate it since currently nothing saves to smbpassword.
    3- For the samba bin folder i have copied the 'bin' folder and pasted it under System 32, System and Windows folder is this correct?
    4- can i see a sample smb.conf file that would work if im implimenting the solution in a basic windows setup and based on above set of instructions posted by Ross since im finding it difficult to edit the samba.conf file to comply with Windows, this would be appreciated.
    5- I keep getting error messages when trying to use the 'net send' option, it doesnt seem to find the machine although i can ping successfully between two machines
    6- How can i use other system commands other that smbpasswd -a username, for example is there a way to use all the samba command such as those to add a new computer etc etc?
    7- Is there a way once samba is successfully working to view the shared folder using something like windows explorer instead of using command prompt - net send each time as i would like to be able to see the shared folder from linux or windows directories.
    8- Final question, when you say to download the 'additional packages' wget and unzip, where do i download them from? so far ive been renaming and moving the z_samba file manually as opposed to using command prompt.
    Thanks alot, i know its quite a few questions but i hope someone can help me

    Not sure if this will help you....

    1. No. That was just an example, to point out that the file downloads fine.
    2. OpenLDAP is only needed if you want that functionality. Samba doesn't require LDAP.
    3. No. Not sure why you are doing this. Instead, add the bin directory to your PATH.
    4. contains z_samba/files/ramdrv/samba/smb.conf, which has already been configured to work with Windows.
    5. Not all programs may work. If something doesn't work, try the Windows equivalent, and see if it works.
    6. Need specfic details, sorry.
    7. I have successfully used Windows Explorer to "see" a share served by Samba running under Windows.
    8. From within the Cygwin setup program.
    Are you installing Samba under BartPE, or Windows? Which version of Windows, specifically? If BartPE, it should work out of the box. If not, please include a detailed error report, including the output of the B:\cygwin\var\log\smbd.log files (I think that's what they are named).
    If Windows, then please follow the instructions at and include a detailed error report if you have any issues.
    Good luck,

    I was installing it under Win

    I was installing it under Windows Xp Sp1, I had followed the instructions and whilst i had managed to successfully add users using the smbpassword command i still couldnt access the samba machine from another networked computer running windows 2003 using the 'net use' command since it couldnt find the Samba computer.
    However before i delve deeper using this method i think il try using BartPE first and add the plugin for samba and see if it works this time. Im not to familiar with using BartPE am i correct in assuming that i just have to download the relative plugins i.e, and and their associated .inf files and add them to the prebuilder plugin list? Would i need the .mak file and the .patch file?
    Once ive got my BartPE Windows CD and installed it onto a computer when you say that samba should 'work out of the box' does that mean i would proceed straight to steps 13 & 14 on this page:
    in order to add users and start Samba or would i have to follow the list from step 1 onwards?
    And finally would i have to install the Cygwin package on a BartPE computer to run Samba or is the plugin sufficient?
    Thanks again, I greatly appreciate this, i would really like to get Samba working on Windows.

    Installing Cygwin is required

    You need to actually install Cygwin on the box you are creating your BartPE disk on. Then, follow the instructions in each of the .html files that accompanies each plugin. This is true of all BartPE plugins.
    If you are installing Samba in BartPE, then the instructions at do not apply.
    Good luck,

    Thanks alot for your help Ros

    Thanks alot for your help Ross, i have successfully managed to get samba working under Windows xp based on your instructions, the problem appeared to be with using windows 2003 as a client which didnt work, as soon as i installed windows xp on the second machine it worked!!!
    With regards to my question on samba commands, what i wanted to know was whether it was possible to add a machine or a user using cygwin/samba since on linux/samba i would use the command 'adduser' and 'smbpasswd -a -m name' for adding a machine whereas both commands do not work here.
    Also is there a way for me to set up my samba as a domain controller? basically when i got to System - Computer name and try to change the domain name + workgroup to the one in the samba config file it successfully shows the username/password prompt which would usually be root + password but this does not work here.
    Very Grateful and happy!!

    Please post your results

    I can't answer your questions as I haven't used Samba in the way you are attempting to use it.
    If you are able to use it as a domain controller, please post your results here. I, and others, would appreciate it.
    Good luck,

    When installing cygwin

    Don't forget to also install the package opendlap-2-2-7, otherwise you can't run the Samba deamon, nor add users.

    Unable to access the

    Need a little help accessing the file located at, keep getting permission denied. I would really like to try implementing this solution. Thanks in advance.

    Works for me, with Firefox, and wget

    Not sure what the problem is, as it's working fine for me:
    $ wget -S
               => `'
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
      HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 00:14:44 GMT
      Server: Apache
      Last-Modified: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 03:44:40 GMT
      ETag: "6e0349-6deac0-42d48e28"
      Accept-Ranges: bytes
      Content-Length: 7203520
      Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
      Connection: Keep-Alive
      Content-Type: application/zip
    Length: 7,203,520 (6.9M) [application/zip]
    100%[====================================>] 7,203,520    683.95K/s    ETA 00:00
    16:14:53 (655.44 KB/s) - `' saved [7203520/7203520]

    Cannot download

    Keep getting permission problems. Used to be able to download using firefox/IE fine about a month ago.
    Error message that comes up in firefox is:
    You don't have permission to access /files/plugins/ on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

    Kumpulan Hitungan Bunga Bank

    Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

    Menambah Harddisk Baru di Pfsense

    Using Command Line Utilities

    Using Slices

    This setup will allow your disk to work correctly with other operating systems that might be installed on your computer and will not confuse other operating systems' fdisk utilities. It is recommended to use this method for new disk installs. Only use dedicated mode if you have a good reason to do so!
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=1k count=1
    # fdisk -BI da1 #Initialize your new disk
    # bsdlabel -B -w da1s1 auto #Label it.
    # bsdlabel -e da1s1 # Edit the bsdlabel just created and add any partitions.
    # mkdir -p /1
    # newfs /dev/da1s1e # Repeat this for every partition you created.
    # mount /dev/da1s1e /1 # Mount the partition(s)
    # vi /etc/fstab # Add the appropriate entry/entries to your /etc/fstab.
    If you have an IDE disk, substitute ad for da.


    If you will not be sharing the new drive with another operating system, you may use the dedicated mode. Remember this mode can confuse Microsoft operating systems; however, no damage will be done by them. IBM's OS/2® however, will “appropriate” any partition it finds which it does not understand.
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 bs=1k count=1
    # bsdlabel -Bw da1 auto
    # bsdlabel -e da1               # create the `e' partition
    # newfs /dev/da1e
    # mkdir -p /1
    # vi /etc/fstab               # add an entry for /dev/da1e
    # mount /1
    An alternate method is:
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da1 count=2
    # bsdlabel /dev/da1 | bsdlabel -BR da1 /dev/stdin
    # newfs /dev/da1e
    # mkdir -p /1
    # vi /etc/fstab                   # add an entry for /dev/da1e
    # mount /1 

    Untuk Proxy 

    #chown -R proxy:proxy /cache160gb
    # vi /etc/fstab
    /dev/ad6s1a        /cache160gb    ufs    rw,noasync,noatime      2   2

    Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

    File ekstension untuk squid delay pool (throttle_exts.acl)

    Sumber :,28291.0.html

    letak file yang harus diedit dan ditambahkan spt tertera dibawah ini :

    -----> edit file : /var/squid/acl/throttle_exts

    # Multimedia Audio

    # Multimedia Video

    # Gambar

    # Program

    # Kompresi

    Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

    Custom Option ku pd pfsense

    Karena bandwidth aku prihatin aku coba-coba rubah PpSense kesayanganku Custom Option di Lusca ku
    dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan dmana dengan Bandwidth 1M dari Spidol dapat dibagi untuk 20 Unit Client..

    zph_mode tos;
    zph_local 0x04;
    zph_parent 0;
    zph_option 136;
    acl admin src;
    acl throttle_exts urlpath_regex -i "/var/squid/acl/throttle_exts.acl";
    acl slow_sites url_regex -i "/var/squid/acl/slow_video.acl";
    acl jam_limit time SMTWHFA 23:59-00:01;
    delay_pools 3;
    delay_class 1 1;
    delay_parameters 1 -1/-1;
    delay_access 1 allow admin;
    delay_access 1 deny all;
    #delay_class 2 3;
    #delay_parameters 2 64000/64000 32000/32000 32000/200000;
    delay_class 2 2;
    delay_parameters 2 -1/-1 128000/512000;
    delay_access 2 allow slow_sites jam_limit;
    delay_access 2 deny all;
    delay_class 3 2;
    delay_parameters 3 -1/-1 8000/32000;
    delay_initial_bucket_level 100;
    delay_access 3 allow throttle_exts jam_limit;
    delay_access 3 deny all;
    acl HTML url_regex .ini$;
    no_cache deny HTML;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^$;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^$;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^$;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^;
    no_cache deny XYZZY;

    zph_mode tos;
    zph_local 0x04;
    zph_parent 0;
    zph_option 136;
    acl admin src;
    acl throttle_exts urlpath_regex -i "/var/squid/acl/throttle_exts.acl";
    acl slow_sites url_regex -i "/var/squid/acl/slow_video.acl";
    acl jam_limit time SMTWHFA 06:00-21:00;
    delay_pools 3;
    delay_class 1 1;
    delay_parameters 1 -1/-1;
    delay_access 1 allow admin;
    delay_access 1 deny all;
    delay_class 2 3;
    delay_parameters 2 64000/64000 32000/32000 32000/200000;
    delay_access 2 allow slow_sites jam_limit;
    delay_access 2 deny all;
    delay_class 3 1;
    delay_parameters 3 4000/4000;
    delay_initial_bucket_level 100;
    delay_access 3 allow throttle_exts jam_limit;
    delay_access 3 deny all;
    acl HTML url_regex .ini$;
    no_cache deny HTML;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^$;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^$;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^$;
    acl XYZZY url_regex ^;
    no_cache deny XYZZY;

    Memperlambat Laju Video pada PfSense

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